Tuesday 9 July 2019

Another Tuesday! 09/07/2019

In 2016 I voted to leave the EU and escape all that is wrong with the European Parliament. The way it is run with un-elected leaders, some very strange ideas and proposals becoming reality. Even now now I see so much that is wrong with the EU and all it does but I have come to the conclusion that Britain is better off in, than out!
Once you open your eyes a bit, you see plenty in this country that has been funded, or part funded by EU funds. There are also plenty of human rights issues that I feel we would not now enjoy if it were not for us being a part of the EU.
Anyway, given the chance to vote again, I would vote to stay. Then maybe help makes changes from within.

The Tory leadership campaign is something that I personally think requires a General Election once the new Tory leader is elected. I am one of the many floating voters and I normally vote in General Elections for local issues and local candidates that I think will represent my area well. I can see nothing that would entice me to vote Tory at this time with these two self serving ministers currently running for the leadership and ultimately, Prime Minister.

The almost totally forgotten Lib Dem Leadership election carries on. With two almost totally unheard of MP’s as candidates. I do not worry so much about this election but I would like to see the Lib Dems back on the main stage in British politics. It is about time we had centre politics in this country instead of swaying left to right as it has done in the last one hundred years or so.

On a personal note, I’ve been busy in my partners garden, doing a bit of tidying up. Still more to do but getting there.