Friday 1 April 2011

To Whom It May Concern

When my time is done
and all are gathered to mourn.
I would like some simple questions answered
on my behalf, though yours may be similar.
About why there is so much stress in this life
applied by many that think they do good?

All I ever wanted was a simple life,
one that left me at peace with myself.
I never asked for anything that I was not due.
I don’t want anything to which I’m not entitled.
Yet everyday the postman delivers misery,
adding another straw to this camels load.

How can I apply my will to someone,
when I feel the way I do?
How can I force a life to bear stress,
when all I want is freedom to be me?
These things are asked of me daily,
One striving for a stress free life,
having to apply pressure unnecessarily. 

So thank you Mr and Mrs do good,
for bringing into my life something unwanted.
Something that will live forever in a heart
you know nothing about.
When your time comes and the gathered mourn
Will you be asking the same questions,
or will you be asking for forgiveness?

©2011 Trevor Litchfield

Leap of Faith

Leap of Faith first appeared on Trev's Telautograph on Thursday 3rd March 2011

Once more I ride into the unknown,
Taking that leap of faith into fates future.
There may be thousands watching,
All I hear is my heart beating in the silence of my head
Will this be the time it all goes wrong?
Will I emerge as a burnt cinder?
Will the crowd go wild before they see my death?

The flames are lit.
I start down the slope,
I know the journey I’m taking is short.
The journey is worth a lifetime of thoughts,
I see the target up ahead.
I concentrate on getting the speed right
This feels as good as all the others
The wheels turn ever faster.
I feel elation as the ramp turns up,
A leap of faith is all I require,
To see you on the other side.

©Trevor Litchfield