Tuesday, 12 September 2017

Building Harlequin’s Moon By Larry Niven and Brenda Cooper

Building Harlequin’s Moon By Larry Niven and Brenda Cooper

After a mass exodus from Earth after AI’s had taken over, one group find themselves marooned light years from their destination because of mechanical failure (so I simplified a bit). They have to build a new planet from surrounding moons which takes thousands of years, this is not a real problem as they can be ‘iced’ for millenia and ‘warmed’ as necessary.

They eventually have a planet that would suit their needs while they build a collider that will in turn get them the anti-matter they so desperately need to continue their journey. They also need labour so once they have terraformed the planet to sustain life, they seed it with their own children who they then plan to leave behind once they have the anti-matter.

This is a great story about morals as well as exciting SciFi. The children end up becoming slaves and start to fight back after one of them becomes educated by the on-ship AI and a couple of sympathisers.

A good read. I recommend it.

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