Oh jeez, the taxi will be here in an hour and I still have so much to do! I should have packed yesterday, now I’m in such a mess, why oh why didn’t I pack yesterday?
I couldn’t believe it when I pulled the letter from my mailbox last Friday morning saying I’d got the job, could I be in their head offices by Tuesday? I never expected to get the job. In truth I never expected them to come all the way from the city to give me an interview in that office they rented. Surely they interviewed more candidates in the area, they would never have hired it just to interview little old me? Now the taxi is coming to whisk me off to a new job, new life, new everything and I’m still packing!
What an opportunity! Big company, big salary, my own department and my own secretary; I had only applied because the job looked to good to be true. Two weeks later I’m on my way to a world I have only dreamed of. I can’t believe they are renting an apartment for me, rent free until I find somewhere I like. I bet I love the apartment, I bet I won’t be able to afford it. They sent me the brochure, new apartments overlooking the river. Oh the views in the brochure.
Come on, pull your finger out, the taxi will be here soon. I arranged with my current landlord to have all my furniture shipped to my new apartment. He was really good saying that the job was an opportunity of a lifetime and sure, he would see that everything was handled carefully. Not that I have much furniture, I rented this apartment furnished, it’ll only be my ‘things’ that need shipping. The shippers are coming later today; they said leave everything to us, you just get on your way. So I’m still packing what I think I need.
When I first saw the date they wanted me to start, I thought to myself why Tuesday? Then realised it is the first of the month. I phoned the coffee shop where I had been scrapping a living, telling them that I had to leave. They were good to me saying that my paycheque would be ready Monday morning. Oh jeez, I’ve got to pick that up on the way to the airport; did I leave enough time to do everything?
Thirty minutes and the taxi will be here. Did I phone everyone I needed to? Remember god-damn-it remember. Yes I phoned the utilities; yes I called the cable company; yes I even called my landlord to check he would be here when I leave; he will be here in ten minutes. I feel sick now, excited but sick. Do I need these shoes? Have I got room in my one and only suitcase for them? I better take shoes, leave the trainers to the shippers; what a mess!
Five minutes to the taxi; oh no, I have to pee; do I have the time to pee? Well, I’d better make time otherwise I’ll pee myself in the taxi, go and have a pee! My landlord is helping tidy up the place a bit, my clothes are everywhere; I think I got everything I need; time to pee.
The taxi is outside and I really do feel sick now. My suitcase is still open on my bed, clothes still all over the bed; close the suitcase and go. Do I need that grey suit or that blue suit? Hurry, this is it, make your mind up. Close the suitcase and lock it. My landlord is offering his hand; I smile nervously and shake it. The taxi honks its horn. Time to go, time to go; I bet I forgot something; where’s my phone? Scrambling about searching for my phone; there it is on the coffee table.
I’m running; running to a taxi and a new life that I’m already late for.
©2010 Trevor Litchfield
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