Friday, 13 May 2011

If I were younger

If I were younger,
I could not want you more than I do now.
My desire would be just as overwhelming.

I love the way you play with your hair.
Tugging at it gently as we talk,
Twisted between your fingers, selfconsciously.

Your smile lights up the room,
I can't help but smile with you.
How I wish the day would never end.

We talk, open and honestly.
We are so comfortable together.
Easy with each other, relaxed.

I'm glad I met you,
I would not change a thing.
I am so lucky; you are a friend.

So, I am happy with who we are,
When we met and in an odd way,
I am so glad I am not younger
because we would not be who we are now.
We could not be honest and open,
You might reject. I might disappoint,
Your friendship I cherish,
I could not suffer it's loss.
You are in my heart,
There you will stay until it beats no more.

©2011 Trevor Litchfield


  1. Lovely words and emotion, Trevor. The re-read was well worth dropping by. Many thanks for your comment my friend, always appreciated, and as you say, a rewind button would have to be used so very, very carefully. Have a wonderful week, xPenx

  2. Thanks Pen, I'm pleased you enjoyed re-reading this 'from the heart' poem. One day I may show it to the person I wrote it for, maybe she'll discover it for herself but I am so glad that I have friends like her and you in my life.

  3. Blessings.....
    very passsionately articulated, lucky someone that inspire such passion.

    Keep writing.

  4. Hello! I am stopping by from my blogger...tis me Raven of Leyla aka Leyla :)
    This is a very passionate also tender poem, Trevor. Interesting yet profound how you say
    "I am so glad I am not younger because we would not be who we are now" I believe this is what happens along the way, we become better human beings so at this moment in time when a new friend shows up this is where our worlds are supposed to meet.
    Big warm feathery for you, Leyla
